
PCCW Media Limited

Hong Kong

PCCW Media Limited is the sole Yellow Pages publisher in Hong Kong. The company is one of Asia’s key directory market players and is a leading multimedia advertising solution company aimed to help our advertisers to reach their customers in a cost-effective way.

Major Printed Directories

  • Yellow Pages Business: Yellow Pages distributed door-to-door to companies
  • Yellow Pages Consumer: Yellow Pages distributed to Families
  • Yellow Pages Business – Hotel Edition: Yellow Pages distributed to hotels in Hong Kong
  • PCCW White Pages Business
Yellow Pages Sourcing Guide and Industry Supplement: Sourcing Guide published in Spring and a series of Industry Supplement in Business Services, Metal & Machinery, Plastics & Chemical, Printing & Packaging, Clothing & Accessories published yearly

Online Directories

  • Internet Yellow Pages
  • Portal Internet site with content in Finance, Hong Kong news, Sports and Entertainment

Other Products and Services

yp1083 & ypMall: yellow pages apps available in iOS and Android platform

now TV advertising: sponsorship & spots advertising on the largest pay TV platform in Hong Kong

Yahoo, Google and Baidu Search advertising: Gold Authorized Reseller of Yahoo! Hong Kong Limited, Google Adwords Premier SME Partner & Authorized reseller to resell Baidu search products in Hong Kong

ypsms: Web-based sms broadcasting platform


Company Contacts
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Doris Wong


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4th Floor, Telecom House, 3 Gloucester Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, China
Contact Us
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Main Telephone: +852 2828 2033

Rajeev Gupta

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